Love What We Do


Rather than waxing on poetically about my love of all things Montessori, I am going to stick to waxing poetically about my love of Wild Fern Montessori School and our community.

I have always described our school as "small but mighty". And I love it that way! I love that this school was born out of passion, grit, and determination. I love that the community that we have worked so hard to build and welcome has welcomed and loved us right back. I love that no matter what life throws at us (Ummmmmm...I see you COVID!), we dust off our shoulders, pivot, and keep going. And most of all, I love that you have all chosen to trust us with the honor of being a part of your littles' lives.

I feel safe speaking for each and every one of us at WFMS, we do what we do because we love it. For no other reason but the fact that we believe in the Montessori Pedagogy and dedicated years of training and continued education to be the best at meeting children where they are while guiding them to where they are going we are here and will continue to be here.


How Does Montessori Build Empathy?


The Beauty of Table Washing