Books, Books, Books


We want to grow our school library and could use all the help we can get. If you or your friends and family want to contribute to our library, please check out our Book Wish List.

We all know books are essential for young children in their language development. But did you know that reading aloud and the opportunity to sit with books offers so much more?

Reading to and with young children helps develop critical thinking skills, social development, problem-solving; it helps develop concentration and patience, creating a bond between reader and listener. (That is just a little bit of ALL the beautiful benefits of reading and books, says the former English/Literature major).

Children crave those special quiet moments when all the focus is on them with their unique and important people. Books offer those kinds of moments in such an organic and natural way. Even in the classroom, it can be a fantastic way for two friends to sit by each other and share space, even while looking at different books. For the very young child, this offers a time to practice sharing physical space with someone, a skill they are still perfecting. This can be a beautiful time for the older child to share observations, ideas and develop bonds.

Books offer an excellent way to explore feelings, model problem solving through stories, experience friendships between characters, and even learn about different cultures and ways of life.

Right now, in the Primary classroom, there has been an explosion of interest in researching the many birds flying through our playground. The kids have been diligently looking through our Bird Reference book for all the birds they see. They are gaining knowledge not just about the birds but about HOW to acquire knowledge, which is so very exciting to witness.

As Chaka Khan sang so beautifully, “I can go anywhere. Friends to know, and ways to grow, A Reading Rainbow! I can be anything; take a look; it’s in a book. A Reading Rainbow!


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Montessori & Nature