Community with Virginia Free Farm


We are so lucky to have an ally in Amyrose and The Virginia Free Farm. She has graciously donated a variety of plants and vegetables for our school garden. The Primary children have been busy planting kale, broccoli, dill, cucumbers, dragon tongue beans, and sunflowers, just to name a few!

Amyrose Foll is the Director and Founder of The Virginia Free Farm, a nonprofit that works to provide FREE nutritious, responsibly produced healthy food to our neighbors in need. They also supply plants, seeds, chickens, and ducks to community gardens.


Their farming methods follow mother nature as well as honor the indigenous methods of a controlled burn, natural animal soil disruption, & companion planting in order to most responsibly care for the ecosystem we are a part of. A way of thinking, living, and valuing the earth that is very in line with the values of Montessori.

We will be growing some seeds as well including Pima White Corn seeds, indigenous corn that was nearly lost and thanks to seed saving and exchange is making a much welcomed comeback. Along with the corn we have planted Long Island Cheese Squash and Black Beans.

To learn more about Amyrose and The Virginia Free Farm please follow them on Facebook and Instagram (@virginiafreefarm) and check out the website (


Montessori & Nature


Fostering Independence